Personalizing our iPhones is key to enjoying them as much as possible. It is worthwhile to customize all options so that they are convenient for us. One of the options available to configure and customize for yourself is to change the size of the font displayed on our iPhone 14. Perhaps you would like the text to be smaller? Or, on the other hand, do you prefer the text large enough so that you can read it easily? In that case, we encourage you to read the instructions below, which will allow you to choose your text size easily and quickly.

How to Change the Text Size on iPhone 14?

  1. First of all, open the Settings app.
  2. Scroll down to find and enter the Display and Brightness option.
  3. Then, press Text Size.
  4. And now you can adjust the size of the font at the bottom of the screen. Move the slider to the left to make it smaller, or to the right to make the text bigger. Meanwhile, you can see the preview of the changes at the top of the screen.
  5. If you’re now satisfied with the font size, you can exit the settings by pressing the Back text in the upper left corner.

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