Back in the day, parents and tutors discouraged students from using smartphones while studying. They thought that gadgets were a source of distraction that hindered them from studying and achieving their academic goals. However, things have changed today. Educators are encouraging learners to invest in tech gadgets because they support learning. Today, most tutors are integrating technology in class to help students learn with ease and get good grades. One of the leading smartphone brands in the world is the iPhone. It has a lot of amazing features that can help the modern-day student excel in class. In this article, we are going to focus on the IOS possibilities that help in accelerating the learning process.

Why use the iPhone?

One of the most common queries that most parents or guardians have is: must college students have an iPhone? There are a lot of smartphone brands on the market that are budget-friendly and easy to use. However, the iPhone is ideal for learners who want to perform various academic tasks quickly and easily. For instance, if you have a lot of essays but lack the time or energy to work on them, you can get Edubirdie help using your iPhone in the blink of an eye. The device features high performance and moderate power consumption to help you complete academic tasks quickly and effectively. Here are other reasons why you should choose this smartphone:

    • Durability – As the popular saying goes, cheap is expensive. Most smartphone brands that are budget-friendly are usually built using cheap materials that get destroyed over time with regular use. You don’t want to be buying a new smartphone after a couple of months. You want a durable smartphone. All gadgets from Apple usually have a durable construction with the latest technology to help learners achieve their goals.

    • High-quality pictures – One of the key areas that most Apple gadgets usually excel at is picture quality. If your hobby is photography or you have an active social life in college, the iPhone will be perfect for you. Apart from taking amazing photos, you can easily scan notes and textbooks while studying.

    • Lots of apps – There are a lot of amazing apps that you can easily access with your iPhone to make the most out of it. There are security, time management, and study apps that you can find on App Store to help you with work and study.

Here are other amazing benefits that you’ll get from your iPhone

1. Screen time

At times, it’s easy to get distracted and lost in the world of social media. You start by watching one video and chatting with your friends. All of a sudden, you realize that half of your day is gone. The Screen Time feature was developed by Apple to help you solve this problem. You can easily monitor the amount of time you use on every app. Apart from that, you can set a time limit on every app. If you are having a hard time focusing on your assignments or study materials because of other apps on your phone, use the path Settings > Screen Time and create a schedule for every app.

2. Focus mode

If you find yourself getting distracted every time you get notifications on your iPhone, you should consider turning them off. You can do this by activating Focus mode. As its name suggests, it will help you focus on your most important activities and prevent others from staring at you harshly every time you get a notification. To activate this feature, all you have to do is use the path Settings > Focus > Do not Disturb. In this area, you can easily adjust your Work, Personal and Sleep settings to have a great time.

3. Document scanning

This is one of the best features for college students. Most learners usually have a hard time copying the notes of their classmates or taking photographs of study materials that they can’t take out of the school library. At times, they have to scan and print them out after paying money to have notes. Without good technology, you’ll have a hard time printing and scanning documents. With your iPhone, difficult tasks become easy. Apart from taking high-quality photos, you can easily scan teacher comments for students’ writing and student contract for grades. To start using this feature, you need to open Notes and tap on the camera icon. Choose the option Scan documents and focus your camera on the information that you want to scan. Wait for the camera to do its magic and you’ll have all the information you need. You can share, print, save, or delete the information.

4. Translator

As a college student, there will be times when you’ll need to translate a phrase while writing an essay and you won’t have your dictionary nearby. Or even if you’ll have one, the translation process can be long and tiresome. Walking around with a huge dictionary in your bag is not easy. You can save a lot of time and energy while translating by simply downloading dictionaries on your phone and using them to translate even if you don’t have access to the internet. You just have to follow the path Settings > Translator > Local Translation and download what is needed.

5. Creating notes and diagrams

You’ll always have a lot of activities that need to get done in college. This means that there will be times when you’ll run out of your apartment and forget some notes or books. Your iPhone can help you take notes and create diagrams of various structures. This can help you avoid frustrations in class especially if you forgot to carry your notes. All you have to do is open the Notes app. On a new note, you can type texts, and draw different shapes using the pencil icon without worrying about how neat you want your work to look. It is an easy-to-use app that you can access whenever you want.

6. AirDrop

Back in the day, sending a file required you to take it to the post office or use the IR port on your phone. These were great options especially if you couldn’t remember your email password. However, the process of sending a file has been simplified by the iPhone thanks to AirDrop. You can easily share files with other iPhone users instantly without having to worry about size or quality. You’ll be amazed at how this feature works once you start using it. Using AirDrop is easy. All you have to do is select one of the following options: For All, Receive Off, or Contacts Only. You can also transfer files from your iPhone to your iPad or Mac. After using it, you should consider switching it off since you don’t want your friends to send you files accidentally in the middle of a lecture.

7. Handoff

This is one of the best educational features on the iPhone. If you have essays, a research paper or thesis assignment that you are working on using your device, this feature allows you to finish it on another device that’s using your iCloud. Handoff acts as a universal clipboard between every device using your iCloud. If you need your iPhone or Mac to study or work, you’ll be pleased to know that you can copy the text on one of your devices and paste it to others. This is an important feature especially when it comes to word processing and spreadsheets.

Factors to consider before purchasing an iPhone

Before investing a lot of money in an iPhone, there are a couple of things that you should keep in mind. They include:

    • Storage – As a college student, you’ll likely be downloading, transferring, and storing hundreds of files every day. Whether you enjoy reading books, watching tutorials, or listening to audio files, you’ll need ample storage space. Since most iPhones don’t have a slot for SD cards, you need to choose a phone that has ample storage. Memory usually ranges from 64GB to 1 TB.

    • Battery life – With lots of activities to get done in college, most students have to move from one location to another. While you can invest in a good portable charger, it might force you to use your phone less. It’s important to choose an iPhone with excellent battery life. You want a phone that you can use throughout the day without having to charge it.

    • Price – Most Apple gadgets are usually expensive. And this can be a point of concern to most college students. Apple releases new gadgets every year. Once a new generation is released, the previous generation will be sold at a lower price. If you are on a budget, you can consider purchasing the previous generation or the SE edition.

    • Operating system – While price is an important factor to consider, do not fall into the trap of purchasing Apple gadgets that are several years old. Keep in mind that you’ll only receive updates if your gadget is seven years old or less. When you don’t get updates regularly, it can be difficult to continue using your phone especially when it comes to performing academic tasks.


There are a lot of benefits that you’ll enjoy by choosing gadgets that run on IOS. Some of them include a user-friendly interface, high-quality camera, and high performance. All these aspects will allow you to learn more about grading college papers and work on various academic tasks to achieve your academic goals.