Apple AirPods (3rd generation) Serial Number Lookup

Lookup AirPods (3rd generation) by Serial Number
Check out additional information about your 3rd generation Apple AirPods. If you want to find specifications related to your Apple AirPods 3rd gen, we come to you with the perfect solution. Find the Apple Serial Number of your AirPods and enter it into our Apple AirPods (3rd generation) Serial Number Lookup. You will find out the details of your earbuds within seconds. Find out what additional information your Apple AirPods 3rd generation have behind them.

By using Apple AirPods (3rd generation) Serial Number Lookup, you will see details such as model, device color, warranty status, production date, and much more. If you would like to verify your device and see if all the details are correct, be sure to use our Apple AirPods (3rd generation) Serial Number Checker tool. You can find all the hidden specifications of your 3rd generation AirPods right here with us by entering Serial Number. You also don’t have to worry about getting the wrong product from the seller. Just ask for the Serial Number and see if the Apple AirPods 3rd gen was stolen or lost before. With Apple AirPods Serial Number Lookup, you’ll know if the seller’s information about the product are accurate.
Apple AirPods (3rd generation) Technical Specifications
Audio Technology |
Sensors |
Chip |
Controls |
Sweat and Water Resistant |
Size and Weight (Each) |
Charging Case |
Battery |
Connectivity |
In the Box |
See the AirPods Serial Number Check.